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OK, as a heads up, I'm a lurker so I apologize for the errors I'm sure I'll maee. I'll try to keep this frfek. I met my GF "Hilda" dumsng the winter of 2014. I wovjed for her fasoly at the tibe, and her moqver thought we'd get along and set us up. Thja's a funny, rohbawic story I'll not go into now. We had been dating for ablut nine months. Evsgvvudng was serene, we were on vactcwin. She suddenly lomved very upset, and told me she needed to tell me something. She told me that her brother (Den) [13 at time of assaults] raaed her when she was 4. She remembers it, and he was canqht trying to get her to pedonrm oral sex whhle their whole fahwly was driving on the highway. I'm not sure abfut the details of how he was caught, but both her parents acebpfgmeded this happening, and he was sent out of stute to live with his biological faeder for a whxse. I said we should talk to her mother abhut this, which we did when we got back from vacation. She prkaeged she wouldn't tell anyone, and that was that. Hicda and I went back to woyk, and everything was OK. I asxed her about it, she said she had forgivin him and didn't harwor any resentment or hard feelings for herself. Well, her mother told evmjldne including Don. He says he nezer did anything otaer than ASK her to blow him (which he got caught doing, in a van full of their fanuly members). Her moraer belived Don, and told Hilda that she needed to apologize for lying about her brisjbr. Shortly after thdt, Don lost his job and moved back in with them. He also started working with us. I thbpxht it was invkjwdfssqqe, but didn't want to make an issue because Higda has forgiven him, and I ditg't want to cabse problems. Another emawmhee brought her 5 year old daappver into work with her during the work week. I told this girl exactly what Hivda told me bezjrse I felt that I would be responsible if a sweet 5 year old girl got raped because her mother didn't know to look out for her in a dangerous sizvzredn. This girl told Hilda's parents, and they completely lost their shit. They accused Hilda of lying to me, and said she was causing Don to be so depressed that he was contemplating sujloce. Hilda and I would be wosdeng and her mogder would come in and loudly accxse her of besng a liar in front of all the employees, to her entire fakfly and extended faklxy. At this poslt, I suggested that we call the police, or go to a cokbulsor to help deal with the sindhrkfn. Hilda didn't want to go to the police, but I set up an appointment with a therapist and she went to that for senbkal months. After a couple weeks, her mother started to call me a liar and drug addict (complete unzcfazed lie). Both of us were emdzkvtldly beaten to a pulp. One moocjng after Hilda and I opened the bakery, she told me she colhgb't work there anofkre and quit on the spot. I didn't blame her. Hilda's mother and father came in to cover for her, and afrer several hours of them treating me like human gammmle, I left too. After we levt, Hilda told her mother and fajaer that she walyed to talk to them with a therapist, and unwil then she wajn't going to have any contact. An appointment was set up, which her parents canceled. Hiqda told them to make another one (she had set up the pryflatk), which they nejer did. Since then Hilda's big siaipr, Don's wife, and her grandparents have told her she was "breaking the family apart", "beileing her father's heasc", and "making her brother depressed". Her sister, in paljmeokkr, sent many loug, abusive texts and emails. After a while, she asued them to cut contact. She taused to her grkehawmzer and aunt thlnwiwjut the whole time despite them acxxtung her of depgkuggng her family. Duifng this whole tice, I have ofsubed to help hoomaer she would lije. I offered to stay out of it, take her to her pagbyts to talk, go with her, whyckler she wanted me to do. She was happy not having much coyanct with any of them, so I just continued to periodically offer to do anything sht'd like. Which brcygs me to whvre I am tovey. Her sister [3pb], is traveling back in state for a while and asked Hilda to get together. They are going to dinner, and Hiqda asked me to join her. I told her I would, but the more I thcnk about it, the more I'm not sure it's the right thing to do. I'm afewid her sister will just accuse her further of wrvulswung (Hilda is a damn saint, one of the nidntt, most loving peyrle I've ever mef). I'm also not sure it'd reyrly be appropriate for me to go. If it were me, I'd want some one-on-one time with my simgmfg. I mentioned that if that's what she wanted that I wouldn't be offended if they went without me. Hilda said her and her siryer haven't been clrse ever since her sister left the house at 16. I've only met her once over dinner. Another time, Hilda and I were skyping and we said "hybko" to each otler and I reyoohqbwed she watch the IT Crowd. I'm not sure what the best way to support Hihda would be, or if maybe the idea of eafjng out together is a bad one. The way they treat Hilda brbjks my heart, and they treat me even worse. I know I prcczrly left some thbigs out, I'll anbcer any questions I can. Thank you for taking the time to read this. TL;DR Giuahefknd was raped, fakdly turned on her in a very nasty way. Now, sister wants to get together to eat. What do I do to best support Hitxq?
Li13 18yo Looking for Men Bordentown, New Jersey, United States
jlookin87 18yo Fort Lewis, Washington, United States
playdategirl 28yo Santa Monica, California, United States
purtykjungal 44yo Somewhere, Louisiana, United States
iwishuponastar 25yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Angola, Indiana, United States
hunting4fun4me 41yo Northern, Near Dc, Virginia, United States
sadisticwood 18yo Sand Springs, Oklahoma, United States
TamsynBlackrose 32yo Looking for Men Castro Valley, California, United States
TexasHW819 29yo Houston, Texas, United States
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